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Student Life

Student Life . Career Center . For Current Students . Graduate School 

Graduate School

If you plan to continue your studies toward an advanced degree, the Career Center can help. Many artists and designers choose to advance their skills through a graduate education. You might want to refine a focused body of work, gain business and entrepreneurship savvy, or prepare for a career in arts education. 

A student speaking with a college representative at the graduate school fair

Becoming an Educator

To teach at the college level, you’ll likely need an MFA. And if you want to teach art at the K–12 level, you’ll need a master’s degree plus a teaching certificate. 

How We Can Help

Visit the Career Center during your junior year to explore your options for grad school. These resources can help you get started: 

For more information:

Career Center
216.421.8073 | Contact

Location + Hours 

Located within Student Services, Room 120
Cleveland, OH 44106  


Drop-ins welcomed, appointments preferred