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Accessibility and Disability Support Services

Accessibility and Disability Support Services provides accommodations and academic support services ensuring equal access to students with documented learning and cognitive, psychological, and physical disabilities. Some of these disabilities include dyslexia, dyspraxia, auditory processing disorder, non-verbal learning disability, Austism Spectrum Disorders, ADHD, acquired brain injury, speech, hearing or visual impairment, PTSD, Lupus, and depression and anxiety disorders.

Eligibility for Services

The first step toward receiving accommodations is to provide our office with the most current documentation of your disability. The guidelines below provide information about the type of documentation needed to provide reasonable accommodations. Accessibility and Disability Support Services reviews documentation on a case-by-case basis. All documentation provided to Disability Services is submitted electronically, secured in our office, and are protected by FERPA.

Documentation Guidelines

The documentation you provide should include the following:

  • A clear, specific diagnosis
  • Credentials of the licensed professional providing diagnosis
  • An explanation of the current manifestations or functional limitations of the disability
  • A description of current and past accommodations, services and/or medications and their effects
  • Recommendations for accommodations or support services that relate directly to the current functional impact of the disability.

These guidelines are based on recommendations from the Association of Higher Education and Disability (AHEAD). 

Individual Education Plans (IEP) and/or 504 plans from secondary and elementary schools alone may not be adequate documentation to determine eligibility; however, they do provide useful information when submitted along with corresponding evaluation forms from the school district.

When there is no IEP or 504 plan, a comprehensive evaluation from a licensed provider would suffice providing it meets the guidelines listed above.


Students with qualifying documented learning disabilities are eligible, on a case-by-case basis, to the following:

  • Breaks from class as needed
  • Extended testing time
  • Distraction-reduced testing location
  • Read aloud/scribed exams
  • Note-taking assistance
  • Audio books
  • Assistive technology

Students with medical or mobility-related issues can receive preferential scheduling, seating, and specific in-class accommodations arranged with individual professors based on medical necessity.

Disability Services Registration

The Accessibility and Disability Support Services Office offers individual consultations for students with documented learning/cognitive, psychological or physical disabilities. 

During your individual session, you and your parents meet the Accessibility and Disability Support Services staff who will review your disability documentation and establish eligible accommodations to provide you with equal access to your education and to remove barriers specific to the unique demands of the CIA student experience.

For more information, please contact us by email or schedule an appointment.

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