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September 17, 2020

CIA revises spring plans to support COVID safety

September 17, 2020

In light of the ongoing risks of COVID-19 and the potential for community spread, the Cleveland Institute of Art has revised its schedule for Spring Semester 2021.

Working with representatives from faculty, staff and the student body, CIA leaders announced this week that the College will cancel spring break and traditional college-sponsored spring break trips. Instead, winter break will be extended by one week.

The scheduling change supports the College's ongoing efforts to maintain a successful and satisfying learning environment while preserving the safety of students, faculty and staff during the global pandemic. It will help minimize opportunities for repeated travel during a season that experts expect will increase threats from both COVID-19 and seasonal flu.

"The CIA community has prevailingly embraced the many safety measures that we have put in place so that we can continue to pursue our mission to educate the next generation of artists and designers," said Grafton Nunes, President + CEO. "We have truly shown what it means to be a community of caring. It will be more important than ever to stay the course as the weather gets colder and flu season is in force. We are determined to have a successful year."
As previously announced, CIA's fall academic calendar also has been altered so that in-person course meetings will be completed by Thanksgiving break. CIA's residence halls will close Wednesday, November 25 and will reopen January 14, when returning students begin to move in for spring semester.

Contact: Karen Sandstrom

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