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August 18, 2020

TITLE TBD opens in Reinberger August 20

Emily Mae Smith, “The Studio (Mound Land)

Emily Mae Smith: “The Studio (Mound Land),” 2020. Courtesy Sam Weissen, Brussels

The Cleveland Institute of Art’s Reinberger Gallery will open its first exhibition of the academic year with TITLE TBD August 20 in the gallery and online. The show will remain on view through October 4.

Curated by Meghana Karnik, this multiform group exhibition invites visitors into the survival journeys of artists navigating a precarious arts ecosystem.

Two years in development, TITLE TBD was halted just before its planned March opening because of COVID-19. The show now opens as the pandemic, an economic recession, and uprising put a collective crisis on a global stage.

The exhibition will feature work by:

Adult Kindergarten
Thomas Barger
Lukaza Branfman-Verissimo
Jeff Kasper
Ariane Loze
Natalia Nakazawa
Emily Mae Smith

The works highlight urgent concerns of institutional and historical oppression, conflict transformation and peer support mechanisms. Relationships between love and labor form the connective tissue, speaking to graduating students as well as arts educators and leaders. A series of virtual programs explores building agency in the art world versus reimagining participation entirely. In observance of campus safety protocols, Reinberger Gallery is open to the CIA community and by appointment only to guests.

To broaden public access, an associated website will launch August 20 at, where visitors will be able to experience expanded content from the artists and curator.

In observance of campus safety protocols, Reinberger Gallery is open to the public by appointment only. Appointments are available Wednesdays and Fridays, 10am-5pm, beginning August 21.For information or to make an appointment, contact Nikki Woods at

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