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Library . CIA Library System 

CIA Library System

The Gund Library’s catalog is part of a shared online catalog system, which includes the libraries of Case Western Reserve University, the Cleveland Institute of Music, and the Rock Hall Library & Archives. Gund Library materials are identified in the catalog as CIArt.

Our partner libraries may have different loan policies, overdue fines, and fees for lost or damaged library materials. Not all of the libraries lend all of their materials to all patrons, and some may require that certain items be used in their library.

You are responsible for following the policies of our partner libraries, paying any fines and fees, and for returning all library materials to the library from which you borrowed them.

Your Library Account

Your CIA ID is your library card, and it is required to borrow library materials at the Gund Library and at any of our partner libraries. If you have not activated your library account, please contact the Library staff.

View Your Library Record

To view your library record, you must have a PIN account set up. After you have a PIN, you will be able to see what you have checked out from any of our partner libraries and any OhioLINK library, track your OhioLINK requests, and renew items online.

Setting up a PIN

Instructions for creating a PIN are available here. Please ask the library staff for help. 

Email Notices

Courtesy notices, overdue notices, and bills are sent to your CIA email address.

Gund Library Loan Periods, Renewal Policies & Fines

The loan periods listed below apply to most patrons. CIA faculty may receive extended loan privileges for some items.

Most items may be renewed up to four times. To renew items online you must have set up a PIN account. Click here for instructions.

Borrowing privileges are suspended if the amount owed on your library account exceeds $100.00.

You may pay any overdue fines from other libraries at the Gund Library or at any of our partner libraries, but payment for lost or damaged items must be made to the library which owns the item. In the case of lost or damaged OhioLINK materials, please contact a member of the library staff for assistance. With the exception of reserve items, Gund Library does not charge its patrons overdue fines.

This chart is only a summary and the information is subject to change without notice. If you have questions, please contact the Library staff. 

Type of Item 

Loan Period(s) 


7 days or 21 days


7 days or 21 days


4 hours or 7 days


7 days

Reserve materials*

3 hours, overnight, or 7 days

*Overdue reserve items are subject to fines. Reserves items may not circulate to non-CIA people.

Library Hours

Fall 2024 Library Hours

Aug 19 - Dec 31
Monday - Thursday - 8am - 8pm
Friday - 8am - 6pm
Saturday - 12pm - 6pm
Sunday - Closed

Aug 19-20 - 10am - 4pm
Oct 21-22 - 8am - 5pm
Nov 27 - 8am - 12pm
Nov 28-30 - closed
Dec 16-22 - 10am - 4pm
Dec 23-31 - closed

Library hours are subject to change without notice.

Contact a Librarian

Need help?

CHAT with a library staff member during our open hours.

Schedule an online or in-person appointment with a librarian

(Choose a 30 or 60 minute appointment with the librarian whose schedule best meets your needs. Appointments can be done in person or online via Zoom. Please use the email link below if you need help outside of available hours and we will set that up with you!)

Email a Librarian

Or text 216-208-4157

If you do not have access to email, call 216-421-7440.

Be sure to visit the library's blog for the latest news and updates!