When 12:15pm - 1:30pm
Where Cleveland Institute of Art, Peter B. Lewis Theater
Spend your lunch hour hearing from student artists who participated in CIA's Creativity Works program as they discuss their projects during Lunch on Fridays at 12:15pm Friday, September 6 in CIA's Peter B. Lewis Theater.
Creativity Works is a self-initiated, entrepreneurial internship program for visual arts and crafts majors that aims to support professional development. For Creativity Works, CIA students create proposals and budgets for project ideas that align with their skills and long-term professional goals. Each internship includes a unique, creative contribution for the internship host site.
Parking: Lunch on Fridays attendees may park in any of CIA's Lot 73 and Annex Lot, both of which surround our campus. Please note that signs posted around those lots correctly state that parking typically requires a CIA permit or visitor pass and that violators will be ticketed. However, to accommodate our valued Lunch on Fridays attendees, that policy won't be enforced during the program. Have questions? Please contact Reinberger Gallery at reinbergergallery@cia.edu or 216.421.7407.
CIA’s Creativity Works program is made possible by the generous support of the Fenn Educational Fund and the G.R. Lincoln Family Foundation.
Cleveland Institute of Art
Peter B. Lewis Theater
11610 Euclid Avenue
Cleveland, OH 44106
Cleveland Institute of Art is supported in part by the residents of Cuyahoga County through a public grant from Cuyahoga Arts & Culture.