When 12:15pm - 1:30pm
Where Cleveland Institute of Art, Peter B. Lewis Theater
Spend your lunch hour hearing from Sina Grace, writer and illustrator of the forthcoming book Superman: The Harvests of Youth, during Lunch on Fridays at 12:15pm Friday, October 20 in CIA's Peter B. Lewis Theater.
Superman: The Harvests of Youth (Penguin Random House) is a grounded and heartbreakingly human story about the legendary Superman as a teenager finding his place in a world filled with death and hate, without losing sight of his greatest power ... hope. Grace will lead a brief presentation on his book and then participate in a guided discussion and Q&A with Zachary Savich, associate professor and chair of the Cleveland Institute of Art's Liberal Arts Department.
This edition of Lunch on Fridays is presented in partnership with Cleveland Public Library and Superman’s Cleveland, a city-wide celebration of the heritage of Superman, the world’s first comic book superhero. The Man of Steel was invented in 1938 by Jerry Siegel and Joe Shuster, two Jewish high school students living in Cleveland's Glenville neighborhood.
Parking: Lunch on Fridays attendees may park in any of CIA's parking lots: Lot 73, Lot 74 and the Annex Lot, all of which surround our campus. Please note that signs posted around those lots correctly state that parking typically requires a CIA permit or visitor pass and that violators will be ticketed. However, to accommodate our valued Lunch on Fridays attendees, that policy won't be enforced during the program. Have questions? Please contact Reinberger Gallery at reinbergergallery@cia.edu or 216.421.7407.
Cleveland Institute of Art
Peter B. Lewis Theater
11610 Euclid Avenue
Cleveland, OH 44106
Cleveland Institute of Art is supported in part by the residents of Cuyahoga County through a public grant from Cuyahoga Arts & Culture.