When 12:15pm - 1:30pm
Where Cleveland Institute of Art, Peter B. Lewis Theater
Spend your lunch hour hearing from artist, activist, educator, storyteller and curator Lukaza Branfman-Verissimo as they discuss their art making practice and inspirations during Lunch on Fridays at 12:15pm Friday, October 13 in CIA's Peter B. Lewis Theater.
Lunch on Fridays with Lukaza Branfman-Verissimo is presented in partnership with the Museum of Contemporary Art Cleveland and is in conjunction with the museum's current exhibition, Don't mind if I do, is on view through January 7, 2024.
Lukaza Branfman-Verissimo (they/them/Lukaza) is an artist, activist, educator, storyteller, cultural worker and person of multitudes. Through a practice based in the printed multiple, community-based work, painting, performance and installation building, they invite the viewer to recall and share their own lived narratives, offering power and weight to the creation of a larger dialogue around the telling of B.I.Q.T.P.O.C. (Black, Indigenous, Queer, Trans, People of color) stories. Branfman-Verissimo has had solo shows at SEPTEMBER Gallery [Kinderhook, NY], Deli Gallery [New York City, NY], Roll Up Projects [Oakland, CA], Printed Matter Inc. [New York City, NY] and STNDRD Projects [Steuben, WI]. Their work has been included in exhibitions and performances at Konsthall C [Stockholm, Sweden], EFA Project Space [New York City, NY], San Francisco Arts Commision [San Francisco,CA], Leslie Lohman Museum [New York City, NY], Yerba Buena Center for the Arts [San Francisco, CA], and L’Internationale Online, amongst others. They have been awarded residencies and fellowships at The University of New Mexico, Black Space Residency, Kala Art Center, Women’s Studio Workshop, ACRE Residency. Lukaza’s artist books and printed editions have been published by Endless Editions, Childish Books, Press Press and Printed Matter Inc. and is in the permanent collections at The Metropolitan Museum of Art, California College of the Arts Printmaking Archive, University of California Santa Cruz Library, New York University Special Collections and San Francisco Museum of Art Library.
Parking: Lunch on Fridays attendees may park in any of CIA's parking lots: Lot 73, Lot 74 and the Annex Lot, all of which surround our campus. Please note that signs posted around those lots correctly state that parking typically requires a CIA permit or visitor pass and that violators will be ticketed. However, to accommodate our valued Lunch on Fridays attendees, that policy won't be enforced during the program. Have questions? Please contact Reinberger Gallery at reinbergergallery@cia.edu or 216.421.7407.
Cleveland Institute of Art
Peter B. Lewis Theater
11610 Euclid Avenue
Cleveland, OH 44106
Cleveland Institute of Art is supported in part by the residents of Cuyahoga County through a public grant from Cuyahoga Arts & Culture.