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Continuing Education

Continuing Education . Pre-College . A Typical Day 


A Typical Day

Experience life as an art and design student

Whether you come from California or Cleveland, you'll have the opportunity to live and work with other students who are passionate about art on our beautiful campus.

During your two or four weeks at CIA, you'll work intensively in an area of your choice to refine your skills and try new techniques. Our rigorous curriculum matches that of full-time students, so you know you’re getting the most out of your stay. Here’s what a typical day would look like for a Pre-College student:


8am: Breakfast
9am: Studio Class (Commuters arrive)
12pm: Lunch
1pm: Studio Class
4pm: Open Studio
5pm: Dinner
6pm: Evening Studio (Commuters depart at 9pm)

NOTE: All class and studio time is mandatory in order to receive college credit, including the 6 to 9pm sessions.

Weekends at Pre-College

Explore connections among creativity, culture, and critical thinking with faculty from CIA’s Liberal Arts program during two days designed to help your reflect on your first week in Pre-College, and gain insights into your artistic practice for the week ahead and beyond. Incorporating practices from creative writing, film and media studies, psychology, the sciences, and more, the weekend sessions will be led by award-winning scholars, writers, performers, and critics who teach in CIA’s undergraduate program in the humanities and sciences.


Apply to Pre-College today!

Start your application today. Priority/scholarship deadline is February 15, 2024.

For more information:

Pre-College Summer Program
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