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Academics . Curriculum . Fabrication Studios 

CIA Fabrication Studios

The mission of the staff of the CIA Fabrication Studios is to help students push beyond creative limits and develop problem-solving skills in a cross-disciplinary and cross-curricular environment. Our shared space, staffed and supervised by highly qualified technical specialists, encourages students from all courses of study to do hands-on research with tools and materials. This communal environment gives students optimal means of making for their individual exploration and group projects.

Collaboration enhances learning and expands opportunities for creativity.

The goal is to

  • provide a safe educational environment that fosters community, collaboration, and creativity.
  • Provide work space and equipment resources for the development of creative expression and exploration.

Working in the Fabrication Studios

The fabrication studios are available to any CIA student who has received training through our safety labs and has passed the safety labs test. Safety labs consists of two lab sessions in which a fabrication studios technical specialist informs students on policy and basic shop etiquette.

The safety labs instructor demonstrates and instructs students on and how to conduct standard operating procedures for entry-level shop tools and equipment. If the student passes the safety labs test, they will be approved for access to the fabrication studios.

The fabrication studios include the wood shop; plastics shop; machining shop; metal shop; plaster/stone room; oil clay room; the spray paint booth; and the spray mount room.

CIA’s fabrication studios and equipment are maintained and supervised by technical specialists and the director of the fabrication studios.